Road Rules 5 Interviews


This page is dedicated to the small interviews that cast members did on the web page. I believe that these interviews help to understand exactly what happens on the Adventures. Enjoy.

Gals/ Guys I/Guys II

Tara part 1

JJ Web and Tara discuss bacon.
JJ Web:Do you think the pig mission was a parenting test?
Tara:I think all the missions are tests. Yes, I think the pig mission was about parenting skills. And look at Anne, she's so nurturing. And Jon, so good to the pigs. And then Noah wouldn't touch the pigs. He wouldn't help the whole time.
JJ Web:Why didn't he want to touch the pigs?
Tara:He just didn't like them. I never understood his rationale. He just didn't like the mission so he just didn't do it. I didn't like shoveling horse manure, but I did it!
JJ Web:Did watching the birth of the pigs put you off of ham and bacon?
Tara:I don't eat pork, so it's not a problem. I don't even eat red meat that much, although after the cattle drive I had an easier time eating it.
JJ Web:(laughs) Why?
Tara:It became less cruel and disgusting to eat the cows.
JJ Web:Because they were sneaky and got away from you?
JJ Web:Would you ever consider being a surrogate mother or donating an egg to couple who are unable to have children?
Tara:I think your parents are the people who raise you, not who biologically gives you life. So absolutely, if someone in my family couldn't have children I definitely I would consider having their children for them. Carrying their children. I have no problem with that, if that's the only option.
JJ Web:What if someone outside your family was asking for that kind of help?
Tara:I wouldn't donate an egg, because that involves surgery and I've heard a lot of dangerous stuff can happen to you. It's a huge thing to ask, and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it for anyone outside of my family.
JJ Web:I hear you. Tara, thanks for chatting with me.
Tara:Any time.

Tara part 2

JJ Web and Tara discuss Dan, Detroit, disco dancing, and deviant dalliances.
JJ Web: Let's talk about the "Dan and Tara fall in love" episode.
Tara: Yes, let's! I hated that episode. It's the worst episode I've ever seen.
JJ Web: Why did you hate it?
Tara: First of all, there's a part that's totally contrived. I'm crying over Dan, I'm on the phone to my mom. But I'm not talking about Dan.
JJ Web: Who were you talking about?
Tara: Noah! I had been drinking down in the bar of the hotel and Noah wasn't there and we were discussing the fight Noah and I had.
JJ Web: The fight where he made a racial comment about Arabs?
Tara: Right. And I was actually defending him. But then he came downstairs and was mad that we were all sitting around talking about it. So he and I tried to talk, because usually I would just walk away from him. But I ended up walking away and calling my mom and she told me to ignore him and pretend that he's not there. And I was like, mom I can't ignore him these people are my whole life right now. So I was upset about Noah and it looks like I was upset about Dan.
JJ Web: I think it looked kind of ambiguous -- I wasn't sure who you were crying over. Tara: But I had nothing to be upset about with Dan.
JJ Web: Well then how were you feeling about Dan at the time?
Tara: Good! We liked each other and everything was totally good. Everyone kept telling us we were in love, but I think I would be the one to know.
JJ Web: Change of subject. The ER mission. If you had to pick one visual moment from your tour of duty, what would be the most intense?
Tara: When we were doing rounds with Lisa, that was insane. You don't see it on the show, but after surgery, they can't sew the patients up right away. I don't understand why. They just stick gauze in and wrap it. While we were doing rounds, they unwrapped it and pulled the gauze out and I was staring into her belly. It was so crazy. But the thing that touched me the most was the guy who bled through his bed, through his sheets, it was dripping on the floor.
JJ Web: The guy who died?
Tara: Yeah, Dan's patient. That was something I hope I'll never be around again.
JJ Web: From the emergency room, you're whisked to the nightclub for the go-go dancing mission.
Tara: I was so scared!
JJ Web: I got the feeling that was not your favorite mission.
Tara: At the time, I didn't want to do it. I have terrible stage fright. I even get nervous doing interviews or voice-over. When the cameras are following, I can ignore it and be totally natural. But when I have to look into the camera, I can't do it. I'm not a great dancer.
JJ Web: You looked good to me!
Tara: Thanks. The editor cut it well. But I'm glad I did it because it was one of those facing-your-fears things for me. I'm still shy, but I proved to myself I could do it and I was fine. I was no Roni, but I wasn't laughed off the stage.
JJ Web: Did you enjoy the hockey mission?
Tara: I was so bad! Dan was super stud. I was so bad that the Rink Rats' parents started cheering for me, "come on Tara, you can do it." I can't skate. I can roller blade and I can figure skate, but going fast and changing directions I fell every time. So my plan was every time I saw the puck, just dive for it.
JJ Web: This week's episode focuses on Noah's struggle between being faithful to Rebecca and dating these other girls, specifically Natasha. Do you think he's having this problem because he's only 19?
Tara: I don't think it's a question of age. For instance, Dan doesn't like to get together with random girls. He likes to have a series of monogamous relationships. Noah is more sensitive and he falls into things really quickly. Noah's just like that. He love girls and girls love him. JJ Web: Why do girls like him?
Tara: I don't know because he's skinny and dorky. But a lot of chicks like Jake too. It's just odd. But Jake is just a dork. Noah is a dork who tries to act like a jerk so the people won't realize what a dork he is.
JJ Web: Did you enjoy playing with the Rink Rats at Coconuts restaurant?
Tara: I had so much fun. I love kids. They beat the tar out of me. I was so sore the next day.
JJ Web: There was an amazing moment where Noah tells a young boy 'I have three girlfriends' and the kid replies 'then you're cheating on two of them.' What did you think of that?!
Tara: Anne and I were dying! That kid was my favorite. His name is Sy. I couldn't ask for anything better than that moment. That kid was so cool. He was my favorite.
JJ Web: Mine too. So there's only three more episodes after this. Can you believe it?
Tara: It's gone so fast. I can't believe it's nearly over. My fifteen minutes!
JJ Web: You're getting a bit more than that. Tara, as usual, thanks for a great interview.
Tara: No problem.


JJ Web and Anne discuss pork.
JJ Web:I have just two words for you Anne:oink, oink.
Anne:(laughs) Oh, man!
JJ Web:Do you think the pig mission was a test of parenting skills?
Anne:I don't think it was designed for that, but I think it really brought it out in people. You really have to take care of these pigs the whole time. Twenty four seven, they're not going to go away. They're not going to shut up just because you want them to. And I really think everyone had to pitch in.
JJ Web:And did everyone pitch in?
Anne:Everyone was supposed to. Noah did nothing. Absolutely zero, zilch. And he kept using his Jewish heritage as his excuse, saying "I'm Jewish, I don't like pigs." But I told him you don't have to eat them, Noah, just take care of them. He was a big baby. Or should I say, pig baby.
JJ Web:It seems like you and Jon did most of the work.
Anne:Jon and I did the whole entire thing. No one else ever cleaned up the bathroom. Roni would do whatever was necessary for her to get by. Because she's a survivalist. That's her basic nature: to survive on her own. Jon and I would have to take everything out of the bathroom, 409 everything, clean up all of the poop. It was disgusting.
JJ Web:What was it like to watch the pigs being born on the farm?
Anne:It was really... gross. It's the miracle of birth and all, but when the babies would pop out, so would a lot of fluid and other stuff. I thought I was going to throw up, but I delivered one anyway and it was really kind of cute. Once you clean them off, they're really darling.
JJ Web:Are you still eating bacon and ham?
Anne:Oh, yeah! (laughs) That's not a big deal to me. I don't eat a lot of meat regardless. But I don't really have a problem eating bacon, as long as I don't have to slaughter the pig myself and fry the bacon up, then I'm fine. As long as it's packaged neatly in the store.
JJ Web:One last question. I know you're very close to Tara, and you witnessed the unfolding drama when Tara and Rachel were forced to confront each other at Dan's house. Do you think Dan handled that situation as well as it could have been handled? Is there anything he or Tara should have done differently?
Anne:I really think Dan did the best he could. Of course, it probably wasn't the perfect way to handle the situation, but I think he really did the best he could. Both Tara and Rachel came out of it with hurt feelings, and that's to be expected. But Tara was really hurt that Dan slept with Rachel that night. Maybe he could have told Rachel, "I can't do this." But they just slept in the same bed. Tara is very afraid of coming off as "sappy girl" and she is pretty tough where relationships are concerned. I think she handled herself really well.
JJ Web:Thanks so much for your time, Anne. Next week we'll talk about Dr. Tim.
Anne:Oh my God, I have to get out of town and warn Tim to take a leave of absence! Now,you have a great day!
JJ Web:You too!


Roni reacts to the piggies, go-go dancing, and her portrayal so far on the show.
JJ Web:I'm so glad you called! What's up?
Roni:That last episode, the one with the pigs, I was like mute! I wasn't in it at all. Actually, it's been like that for the last three episodes, but this one with the pigs bothered me because I cleaned up after them so much and it looks like in the episode that I didn't touch them at all. And I really didn't appreciate it. You saw Noah singing to them, and he was the one who didn't touch them at all! That was the most he did, was go in that bathroom one time and sing. It looks like he did more work with them, when he was the one who was the most rebellious about the mission. He did pretty much nothing. He didn't do any work with them at all.
JJ Web:I know that Tara, Anne, and Jon felt the same way about Noah's participation with the pigs.
Roni:I also feel like I'm being portrayed as a mute person who doesn't say anything. They don't use any of my interviews that much.
JJ Web:I know when I talked to Anne about the pigs, she felt that she and Jon did the vast majority of the work, and that you did whatever was needed to get you through the day.
Roni:I would get in the bathroom and clean it in the morning. That helped me get through the day, but the bathroom was also clean for whoever else wanted to take a shower. Jon and Anne babied the pigs. I didn't feel like I had to baby them. I wasn't that compassionate towards them. There are two kinds of parents. The kind who baby. And then there are the ones who make sure the kids have what they need. Basically, I was like "all right, did they eat, did they drink the water, OK fine." I didn't pick them up and kiss their nose like Jon.
JJ Web:You did not go to that place!
Roni:(laughs) I made sure they didn't die and they got through it. But it just seemed like I barely touched them at all. They scratched and bit at your ankles, so I didn't really cradle them. Jon and Anne cradled them. That was the difference.
JJ Web:You said you feel that you haven't been represented in the last three episodes.
Roni:And I curse a lot, too. If Roni says something, she's cursing. My friends go, "damn Roni, if you say anything all you do is curse."
JJ Web:This week is the go-go dancing episode and I know you're represented there.
Roni:Well, of course. Fine, we all know that I'm the dancer so I'm gonna be in that episode. But other than that, it's like Roni has no opinion. [Roni begins to cry]
JJ Web:I hear you, sweetie.
Roni:And I have so many interviews and you never see me say anything! And it's frustrating because people ask "didn't you say anything?" And I did say something, but it just wasn't used. And it's not that I want my face all over. It's not even about that. I just know I helped with the pigs.
JJ Web:The behind-the-scenes footage for the pig episode is a 30-second clip of you helping the mother pig give birth to her baby.
Roni:Oh, that's sweet, but don't get me wrong...
JJ Web:I know, you just want to be heard. We have to follow the most dramatic story line possible.
Roni:I know that. And I know I didn't have major relationships. I didn't have a best friend like Anne and Tara. I didn't have a relationship like Dan and Tara. And that's what they use so you don't see me.
JJ Web:I'm one hundred percent sure that there is no conscious effort to deny you a voice on the show.
Roni:I know. I know you have to follow where the story is. But I know I did interviews and I spoke in my interviews. Like in the lumberjack mission, they asked everybody, "who do you think will win between Dan and Noah?" And they showed everyone's interview but mine. The only thing I said in that episode was "we're going to Plattville."
JJ Web:I understand your frustration.
Roni:I just thought I would call because you always said if we had opinions about the show we should call.
JJ Web:Absolutely. I'm glad you did. You can speak your mind on the Web site. Is there anything else you want to let people know?
Roni:Everything else is pretty much accurate. In terms of storyline, it's accurate in terms of what's happening. Dan and Tara's relationship and how it all progressed is all accurate. There are missions that were cut out, but I understand there isn't enough time. Everything else is cool. JJ Web:Do you want to make any comments about this week's episode - the go-go dancing mission?
Roni:Being a dancer, you're used to running a rehearsal a certain way. And we work until we have it and everyone is moving together. And I don't think the others were used to that, and I became very strict. They probably thought I was too strict, but they don't understand what dancers go through. Dance looks so graceful and so easy. Like figure skating. But the art of it is making it look easy. A lot of people don't understand that until they try it.
JJ Web:Are you happy with the result?
Roni:From what I could tell, it looked OK. We didn't have a major ending. But it came off OK. We didn't look as stupid as I thought we would have! (laughs) I was waiting for us to do a big nosedive and we didn't do it.
JJ Web:It looked like a lot of fun. Roni, thanks so much for calling me, and please feel free to call any time.
Roni:I will!

Guy’s interviews

All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray.

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